the elspaso middle school girls basketball team is going from el paso to san antonio for the texa state championship. The trip will be 560 miles. Their bus travels at an average speed 60 miles per hour.

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To find out how long it will take for the El Paso middle school girls basketball team to travel from El Paso to San Antonio, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed.

In this case, the distance is 560 miles, and the speed of the bus is 60 miles per hour.

Plugging these values into the formula, we get:
Time = 560 miles / 60 miles per hour.

Now we can calculate the time it will take for the team to reach their destination:
Time = 9.33 hours.

So, it will take the El Paso middle school girls basketball team approximately 9 hours and 20 minutes to travel from El Paso to San Antonio at an average speed of 60 miles per hour.