The means of travel within and between neurons is different because:

A. electrical signals move impulses within the neuron, while chemical signals move the impulses between neurons.
B. chemical signals move the impulses within the neuron, while electrical signals move impulses between neurons.
C. chemical signals initiate all messages in the dendrite, but change to electrical in the axon.
D. the axon will not receive electrical signals, but the chemical signal pushes the impulse.

I think it is C correct me if im wrong..

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Actually, the correct answer is A. Electrical signals move impulses within the neuron, while chemical signals move the impulses between neurons.

To understand why, let's start with how information is transmitted within a single neuron. When a neuron is at rest, there is an electrical charge difference between the inside and outside of the neuron, known as the resting membrane potential. When a stimulus is received by the dendrites of the neuron, it triggers a change in the membrane potential, creating an electrical signal called an action potential. This electrical signal then travels along the neuron's axon, which is facilitated by the movement of charged ions across the cell membrane.

However, when the electrical signal reaches the end of the axon, it needs to be transmitted to the next neuron in the chain. This is where chemical signals, specifically neurotransmitters, come into play. The electrical signal triggers the release of neurotransmitters from vesicles within the neuron into the synapse, which is the small gap between neurons. These neurotransmitters bind to specific receptors on the dendrites of the next neuron, transmitting the signal from one neuron to another.

So, to summarize, electrical signals are used for communication within a neuron, while chemical signals (specifically neurotransmitters) are used for communication between neurons.