what does the quote help us understand, or explain "reading furnishes the mind only materials of knowledge it is thinking that makes what we read"

I can sound out the words in a Spanish book or newspaper, but I understand very little.

If you don't understand what you read, then all you're doing is enunciating (decoding), not really reading.

ok thank you

The quote "reading furnishes the mind only materials of knowledge, it is thinking that makes what we read" highlights the importance of critical thinking and reflection when it comes to gaining knowledge from reading. It suggests that simply reading alone is not enough to truly understand and internalize the information we encounter; we must engage our minds and actively process the material.

To explain this quote, let's break it down into two parts:

1. "Reading furnishes the mind only materials of knowledge": This part emphasizes the role of reading in providing us with information and facts. When we read books, articles, or any written material, we acquire a foundation of knowledge on various subjects. Reading exposes us to new ideas, perspectives, and information that we may not have encountered otherwise. Think of reading as a way of accumulating raw data or building blocks of knowledge.

2. "It is thinking that makes what we read": This part emphasizes the role of critical thinking in transforming the raw materials of knowledge acquired through reading into true understanding. Reading alone is not enough; we need to actively engage with the material, analyze it, question it, and reflect upon it. By thinking deeply about what we read, we can make connections, draw conclusions, form opinions, and develop a more nuanced understanding of the subject matter.

In essence, the quote suggests that reading provides the necessary foundation, but it is through the process of thinking and critically engaging with the material that we truly make sense of what we read.