david and joseph have a total of 328 marbles. Mathew and david have 176 marbles. joseph has 5 times as many as Mathew. how many marbles does david have?

May you please answer now Ms. Sue? I've been asking since yesterday.

I don't know how to do this type of problem.

You might receive help from a math tutor if you show the effort you've put in trying to solve these problems.

How do I do that?

look back for the earlier post of your question

To find out how many marbles David has, we can set up a system of equations based on the information given.

Let's assign variables to each person:
- Let D represent the number of marbles David has.
- Let J represent the number of marbles Joseph has.
- Let M represent the number of marbles Mathew has.

From the first statement, we know that David and Joseph have a total of 328 marbles:
D + J = 328 (Equation 1)

From the second statement, we know that Mathew and David have 176 marbles:
M + D = 176 (Equation 2)

From the third statement, we know that Joseph has 5 times as many marbles as Mathew:
J = 5M (Equation 3)

Now we can solve this system of equations to find the values of D, J, and M.

First, we can solve Equations 2 and 3 simultaneously. Since J in Equation 3 is equal to 5M, we substitute 5M for J in Equation 2:

M + D = 176
M + 5M = 176

Combining like terms, we have:
6M = 176

Dividing both sides by 6, we find:
M = 176/6
M = 29.33 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Since we cannot have a decimal number of marbles, we can assume that the value of M is 29.

Now that we have the value of M, we can find the value of J using Equation 3:
J = 5M
J = 5 * 29
J = 145

Next, we can substitute the value of J into Equation 1 to find the value of D:
D + J = 328
D + 145 = 328

Subtracting 145 from both sides, we get:
D = 328 - 145
D = 183

Therefore, David has 183 marbles.