Below is a list of phrases giving reasons to support a topic sentence.Use the list to complete the following unfinished paragraph. Type the body of the paragraph in the text box below.


*Excellent news coverage: sports events; club news; biographical sketches
*Appearance: clear, readable type; interesting, artistic layouts; good photographs
*Team effort: faculty; parents; students; advertisers

Once again, our school newspaper has won a prize for being among the best high school papers in the state.

Someone here will be happy to check your work once YOU have written YOUR paragraph.

I don't know if I am suppose to use all of the reasons or just pick one.

Yes, use all of them.

Once again, our school newspaper has won a prize for being among the best high school papers in the state. This achievement can be attributed to several reasons. Firstly, our newspaper provides excellent news coverage, encompassing a wide range of topics such as sports events, club news, and biographical sketches. This comprehensive coverage ensures that our readers are well-informed about various aspects of school life and beyond. Additionally, the appearance of our newspaper plays a crucial role in its success. The layout is not only clear and readable but also interesting and artistic, engaging readers and capturing their attention. The use of good quality photographs further enhances the visual appeal of the newspaper. Last but not least, our newspaper's success is a testament to the team effort involved in its production. It is a collaborative endeavor that involves the dedication and contributions of faculty, parents, students, and advertisers. Each group plays a vital role in ensuring that the newspaper is a true reflection of the school community's achievements and interests.