My 5th grade year was coming to a close and I, personally, was really looking forward to summer. Two months of sleeping in late and doing whatever.

How would I write this...

Delete the word 'personally.' It's redundant.

Then make the fragment (2nd group of words) into a complete sentence.

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To write about your anticipation for summer and your excitement about two months of freedom, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with an introductory sentence: Begin by introducing the context of your story, such as "As the end of my 5th grade year approached, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement."

2. Express your personal viewpoint: Share your own thoughts and feelings about the upcoming summer break. Use first-person pronouns like "I" and "me" to make it more personal. For example, "Personally, I couldn't wait for summer to finally arrive."

3. Describe your expectations: Detail your desires and expectations for the break, emphasizing the things you were most looking forward to. This could include sleeping in, engaging in leisure activities, or simply enjoying a break from school. For instance, "The thought of sleeping in late every morning and not worrying about homework had me counting down the days."

4. Provide specific details: Paint a vivid picture of what your ideal summer would look like. Use descriptive language to help your readers visualize the scene. You could mention specific plans or activities you had in mind. For example, "I dreamed of spending lazy afternoons at the pool, having barbecues with my family, and going on adventurous hikes with my friends."

5. Conclude with a reflection: Conclude your writing by summarizing your excitement and summing up your overall anticipation for the upcoming summer. For instance, "As the final school bell rang, signaling the end of the 5th grade, I couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. Summer was finally here, and I was ready to make the most of every moment."

Remember to proofread your work for any errors and revise it as needed to ensure clarity and coherence.