Write 10 sentences of subordination. Write 2 sentences for each of the following subordination. For each subornator, one sentence must begin with the subordinator; the other sentence will have the subordination in the middle. Watch punctuation.

I'll write one for you ... then someone here will check the ones that YOU WRITE.

My brother, who lives in California, is a retired appliance repairman.

Your turn ...

This site will help you. When you've completed your assignment, we'll be glad to check it for you.

Is this right?

1. a) While my sister was away, we decorated the house for her birthday party.
b)We decorated the house for her party, while she was away.

We must begin a sentence with a subordinator(since, because, if, even though, unless, whereas, while, when, although, as). Then, for the other sentence will have the subordinator in the middle.

Yes, both of those sentences are correct.

Well, one correction: There should be no comma in your second sentence above.

Thank you

You're welcome.

Feel free to post other sentences if you need them checked. Remember that commas are needed when the subordinate clause comes first in the sentence, but not when it comes after the main clause.

a. Because opinions are still divided, further discussion will be necessary.

b. Further discussion will be necessary because opinions are still divided.


thank you again. i'll be posting when i need correction :)

You're very welcome.