Tse does not want to give Towry this budget without making constructive suggestions for steps Towry could take to improve expected performance. Write a memo to Towry outlining your suggestions.

Jiskha doesn't do your hw for you. Any teacher on here will say that I suppose. Tryputting what you think of it first:) Im sure they will loveto answer your question after:)

I would suggest lowering miscellaneous expenses. They seem to be a large amount and we do not know what for. This takes away from the companies revenue and budget for the next year. Also, you could look at the COGS and see if producing more would provide more profit. If more profit would result from this the company should put more of it budget towards making a greater output

To write a memo outlining suggestions for steps Towry could take to improve expected performance, follow these steps:

1. Begin with a formal memo format: Include the word "Memo" at the top, followed by the sender's name, position, and date. Then address it to the recipient, in this case, Towry.

2. Write a clear and concise subject line: This should summarize the purpose of the memo. For example, "Suggestions for Improving Expected Performance."

3. Start with an introduction: Briefly explain the purpose of the memo. In this case, state that the budget will not be provided without constructive suggestions for improvement.

4. Analyze the current situation: Assess the current performance of Towry and identify any areas that need improvement. Clearly articulate the objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) that are falling short.

5. Provide specific suggestions: Offer actionable and constructive steps that Towry can take to enhance performance. Break down each suggestion into individual points for clarity. Be sure to provide explanations and rationale for each suggestion to justify why they would improve performance.

6. Prioritize recommendations: If multiple suggestions are offered, prioritize them based on their potential impact and feasibility. Start with the most critical and attainable improvements.

7. Support suggestions with evidence: Include any relevant data, market insights, or case studies that support the suggested improvements. This will help strengthen the credibility of the recommendations.

8. Include potential benefits: Clearly outline the potential benefits of implementing each suggestion, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, higher customer satisfaction, or improved profitability. This will demonstrate the value of making these changes.

9. Consider limitations and risks: Acknowledge any limitations or potential risks associated with implementing the suggested changes. Address those concerns and provide possible strategies to mitigate them.

10. End with a call to action: Summarize the main suggestions and emphasize the importance of taking action. Encourage Towry to discuss and implement the suggestions to improve overall performance.

11. Close with a polite and professional tone: Express gratitude for considering these suggestions and offer availability for further discussion or clarification if needed.

Remember to proofread the memo for clarity, grammar, and coherence before finalizing it.