How many liters of coke are there in 100 cans if each can contain .385 liters of coke? Round your answer to the nearest liter.

100 * 0.385 = 38.5 = 39 liters

Thanks Ill tell my teacher that it was right. He got the wrong answer key!

To find the total number of liters of coke in 100 cans, you need to multiply the amount of coke in each can by the number of cans.

1. First, calculate the total amount of coke in one can by multiplying the amount in each can (.385 liters) by the number of cans (100):
0.385 liters/can * 100 cans = 38.5 liters

2. Since we need to round the answer to the nearest liter, we can round 38.5 to the nearest whole number:
The nearest whole number to 38.5 is 39 liters.

Therefore, there are approximately 39 liters of coke in 100 cans.