input 10 15 21 6 29 ___

output 12 22 ___ 4 50 2

please help me solve this

To solve this sequence problem, we need to identify the pattern or rule that generates the numbers in the output sequence. Let's analyze the given input and output sequence:

Input: 10 15 21 6 29
Output: 12 22 ___ 4 50 2

By examining the input and output numbers, we can observe the following:

1) The first number in the output sequence is obtained by adding 2 to the first number in the input sequence: 10 + 2 = 12.

2) The second number in the output sequence is obtained by adding 7 to the second number in the input sequence: 15 + 7 = 22.

3) The fourth number in the output sequence is obtained by subtracting 15 from the third number in the input sequence: 21 - 15 = 6.

4) The fifth number in the output sequence is obtained by multiplying the fourth number in the input sequence by 2: 6 * 2 = 12.

5) The last number in the output sequence is obtained by subtracting 27 from the third number in the input sequence: 29 - 27 = 2.

Based on these observations, we can deduce that the pattern followed in this sequence is as follows:

The nth number in the output sequence is obtained by performing different operations on the nth number in the input sequence. The operations alternated between addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Applying this pattern to the missing number (third number) in the output sequence:

The third number in the output sequence should be obtained by subtracting 27 from the third number in the input sequence:
21 - 27 = -6.

Therefore, the missing number in the output sequence is -6.

The complete output sequence is: 12 22 -6 4 50 2