I have to explain why there was such a delay for the enforcement of both documents. I've been trying to find websites to help me, but I haven't found anything. The answer I see is The basic reason is that most nations don't want international agreements to intefere with the way they conduct their affairs..but how do i continue explaining. I'm trying to find articles for reasons why it took them so long to enforce it but I cant find anything

the documents are UDHR an CPPCG

The basic reason that these documents haven't been vigorously enforced is that there is no international body empowered to enforce these ideas. The U.N. did go into the former Yugoslavia to prevent genocide, but that armed conflict was controversial among many member nations. The current mess in Iraq shows the great difficulties other countries face in interfering with a nation's civil affairs.

These sites will give you more information.



When explaining the delay in the enforcement of documents, such as international agreements, it can sometimes be challenging to find specific articles or sources that directly address the reasons for the delay. However, you can still provide a well-reasoned explanation by utilizing logical thinking and general knowledge about international relations. Here's one approach to further develop your explanation:

1. Start by elaborating on the initial point you made about most nations' reluctance to have international agreements interfere with their domestic affairs. Explain that this desire to maintain sovereignty and autonomy is a common characteristic among countries.

2. Emphasize that international agreements often require a complex process of negotiation and consensus building among participating nations. This process can be time-consuming because it involves multiple stakeholders with differing perspectives and priorities.

3. Highlight the challenges associated with implementing and enforcing international agreements. Laws and policies need to be adjusted, government structures may require revisions, and adequate resources must be allocated to ensure compliance. Such changes often demand significant time and effort.

4. Discuss the potential obstacles that can further impede the enforcement process. These can include bureaucratic red tape, political barriers, conflicting national interests, and varying legal frameworks across different countries. These factors contribute to delays as governments navigate through legal procedures, administrative processes, and internal debates.

5. Point out that the enforcement of international agreements may also depend on the will and commitment of the participating nations. Some countries may prioritize other issues or face difficulties in ratifying or implementing these agreements due to domestic factors (e.g., political instability, economic constraints, public resistance).

6. Finally, acknowledge that information specifically addressing the reasons for the delay might be limited. Instead, you can draw conclusions based on your understanding of international relations and the aforementioned points. Clarify that while you couldn't find articles directly addressing the delays, you have provided a logical explanation based on general knowledge and observations.

Remember that it is important to cite any sources or references you find during your research to support your explanation. Even if you did not find specific articles regarding the delay, you can still mention the lack of available information while providing a well-reasoned explanation.