16. Which sentence is correct?

A. Yo no entiendo a la maestra.
*B. Yo no entiendo a este libro.

Possessive Adjectives
17. What would be the correct PA in Spanish? : Ellos tienen (their) libros.

18. What would be the correct PA in Spanish? : Ella tiene (her) libro.
Answer: su

19. What would be the correct PA in Spanish? : Nosotros tenemos (our) sillas.
Answer: nuestra

20. What would be the correct PA in Spanish? : Yo tengo (my) silla.
Answer: mi

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16. The "personal a" is used before a direct object noun to indicate that it is a person, a beloved pet, something that you want to "personalize." It is NEVER translated in English and it is never used before an inanimate object. Therefore the correct answer is A, not B.

17 and 18 are correct.

19. What is the function of an adjective (including PA)? It is to have the same number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) as the adjective(s) it modifies. Look at the noun "sillas." It is plural AND feminine. The adjective "nuestras" must be also.

20 is also correct.

Be sure to ask about anything you do not fully understand!


Thank you very much. Does number 19 just need an "S"?

Yes. The form "nuestro" has 4 forms: nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras, the correct answer here being nuestras.

Both vuestro and nuestro have 4 forms. The others only have singular and plural: mi, mis / tu, tus / su, sus.


To determine which sentence is correct in question 16, you can analyze the two options.

A. Yo no entiendo a la maestra.
B. Yo no entiendo a este libro.

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but the correct sentence depends on the context and what you are trying to convey. If you want to say "I don't understand the teacher," then sentence A is correct. If you want to say "I don't understand this book," then sentence B is correct.

Moving on to questions 17-20, these questions involve possessive adjectives in Spanish.

In question 17, the phrase is "Ellos tienen (their) libros." The correct possessive adjective to use for "their" in Spanish is "sus."

In question 18, the phrase is "Ella tiene (her) libro." The correct possessive adjective to use for "her" in Spanish is "su."

In question 19, the phrase is "Nosotros tenemos (our) sillas." The correct possessive adjective to use for "our" in Spanish is "nuestra."

In question 20, the phrase is "Yo tengo (my) silla." The correct possessive adjective to use for "my" in Spanish is "mi."