The motor sputtered coughed whined and finally died.

a. sentence is correct as shown
b. sentence is incorrect

The turbulent waves, gleaming in the sunlight, pounded the barren
a. sentence is correct as shown
b. sentence is incorrect

1. b. sentence is incorrect

Suggested revision: The motor sputtered, coughed, whined, and finally died.

2. a. sentence is correct as shown

a. sentence is correct as shown

a. sentence is correct as shown

In the first sentence, "The motor sputtered coughed whined and finally died," all the verbs are in the past tense and are connected by the coordinating conjunctions "and." This construction effectively conveys a series of actions, suggesting the motor's gradual deterioration and ultimate failure. Thus, the sentence is correct as shown.

Similarly, in the second sentence, "The turbulent waves, gleaming in the sunlight, pounded the barren beach," the participial phrase "gleaming in the sunlight" adds a descriptive detail about the waves. The sentence maintains proper syntax and effectively conveys the action of the waves pounding the beach. Therefore, the sentence is also correct as shown.