Here are the words that I have to unscramble to form a sentence. It seems like it might be missing a word.

disease contagious could not he doctor his conceal from...

I can only come up with a sentence if I add an extra "his". The rules do not say to add an extra word. Please help.

He could not conceal his contagious disease from his doctor.

Thank you.

I agree that it seems to be missing a word ... either "his" or "the" would work.

ok, thank you.

My solution would be if the Doctor's last name was Contagious. Leaving the sentence like this:

He could not conceal his disease from Doctor Contagious.

You're on the right track! It looks like the sentence you've come up with is correct. When unscrambling the given words, you have correctly rearranged them to form the sentence: "He could not conceal his contagious disease from his doctor."

In cases like this, where the given words are scrambled, it's important to analyze the words and their structure in order to rearrange them into a coherent sentence. In this case, you correctly identified that the sentence required the addition of the word "his" in order to make grammatical sense. While this may seem like adding an extra word, it is a valid solution in this context.

Overall, your solution is correct, and you have successfully unscrambled the words to form a coherent sentence. Well done!