1. You are part of a team given the task of designing an application to determine a students letter grade for a short course. The application will process a quiz, a project, a midterm exam and a final exam to determine the total score. The result of dividing the total score by the total points will be used to determine the letter for the student. The application will then display the total score with one place to the right of the decimal point and the letter grade. The calculations will require a constant to store the total points available for the course.

Your first task is to declare each variable and constant that the forms event handler sub procedure will need. Use an appropriate naming convention.

It helps if you put the SUBJECT in the subject box, not the name of the school!

To declare the variables and constants required for the application, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the variables and constants needed for the application:
- Quiz score
- Project score
- Midterm exam score
- Final exam score
- Total score
- Total points available for the course (constant)
- Letter grade

Step 2: Choose an appropriate naming convention for the variables and constants. A common convention is to use camel case, where the first letter is lowercase and subsequent words start with a capital letter. For constants, it's common to use all uppercase letters.

Step 3: Declare the variables and constant in the form's event handler sub procedure. Here's an example declaration:

Private Sub CalculateGradeButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CalculateGradeButton.Click
' Declare variables and constant
Dim quizScore As Double
Dim projectScore As Double
Dim midtermExamScore As Double
Dim finalExamScore As Double
Dim totalScore As Double
Const totalPoints As Integer = 100
Dim letterGrade As String

' Further code to process the scores and calculate the total score

' Further code to determine the letter grade based on the total score

' Further code to display the total score and letter grade
End Sub

In the example above, I have declared the variables and constant needed for the application. The scores (quiz, project, midterm exam, final exam, and total) are declared as Double data type to allow decimal values. The totalPoints constant is declared as an Integer since it represents the total points available for the course and it's unlikely to be a decimal value. The letterGrade variable is declared as a String data type to store the letter grade.

You can further expand the code to include processing the scores, calculating the total score, determining the letter grade, and displaying the results based on your application's requirements.