Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that exist within a business or organization. It is an integral part of the micro business environment as it shapes how employees interact with each other, with customers, and with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.

To understand and define the organizational culture of a business, you can follow these steps:

1. Research: Start by researching the business or organization for information about its mission, vision, and values. Explore its website, annual reports, and any other publicly available documents. These sources often provide insights into the company's cultural values and principles.

2. Observations: Pay attention to the behavior and interactions of employees within the organization. Observe how they communicate, collaborate, and approach their work. Look for common patterns and behaviors that reflect the company's values and norms.

3. Employee feedback: Conduct interviews or surveys with employees to gather their perspectives on the company's culture. Ask them about the values they believe are important to the organization and how they perceive the overall work environment. This feedback can provide valuable insights into the existing cultural norms and values.

4. Leadership influence: Assess the influence of leaders and managers on the company's culture. Leaders play a crucial role in shaping and modeling the organization's culture, so analyze their actions, communication style, and decision-making processes. This can give you further insights into the prevailing culture within the organization.

5. External perception: Consider how the organization is perceived by external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and partners. Their interactions and experiences with the business can shed light on the culture and values espoused by the organization.

By combining these research methods, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of the organizational culture within a micro business environment. Remember that organizational culture can vary across different businesses, so it's essential to conduct a thorough analysis specific to the organization in question.