What effects or potential effects do technologically based communication modalities—between patients and health care providers and between health care providers only—have on health care costs

Do they save money?

Do they save time?

What happens when a patient has no access to "technologically based communication"?


Keep asking yourself questions about all this ... and then try answering them.

Remote diagnosis, and real time surgical advice are two aspects that come to mind. Whether the fee for these services will be comparatively less will depend on the financial greed or lack thereof within a given "care system".

Remote monitoring of outpatient support machinery should significantly reduce costs.

To understand the effects of technologically based communication modalities on healthcare costs, we need to consider the different ways in which they can impact the delivery of healthcare services. Here are some potential effects:

1. Improved access and convenience: Technological communication modalities, such as telehealth and telemedicine, can enhance access to healthcare services for patients who may otherwise face barriers like geographic distance, lack of transportation, or mobility issues. By facilitating remote consultations, follow-ups, and monitoring, these modalities reduce the need for in-person visits, potentially leading to cost savings.

2. Less time and resource utilization: Traditional healthcare communication often involves multiple steps, such as scheduling appointments, arranging transportation, and waiting in clinics. By utilizing technology, communication between patients and healthcare providers can be streamlined, reducing administrative burdens, wait times, and the consumption of resources like physical space, staff, and supplies.

3. Cost-effective follow-ups and monitoring: Remote communication modalities allow for efficient and cost-effective follow-ups and monitoring of patients, especially those with chronic conditions. Regular virtual check-ins and remote monitoring can help identify potential issues earlier, reducing the need for hospitalizations or emergency visits, which are typically more expensive.

4. Enhanced collaboration between healthcare providers: Technology-enabled communication platforms, like secure messaging or electronic health records, can facilitate collaboration and information sharing between healthcare providers. This can lead to better coordination of care, reduced duplication of tests or procedures, and potentially streamlined treatment plans, which may lead to cost savings.

5. Initial investment costs: Implementing technologically based communication modalities requires an initial investment in infrastructure, hardware, software, and training for healthcare providers. While these costs may be significant in the short term, they can be outweighed by long-term savings and efficiency gains.

Overall, the potential effects of technologically based communication modalities on healthcare costs can be positive, especially when it comes to improving access, reducing resource utilization, supporting cost-effective monitoring, and enhancing collaboration between healthcare providers. However, it is essential to evaluate the specific circumstances, patient populations, and healthcare settings to determine the full impact on costs.