
Beginner (16)

Which of the following sentences uses passive voice appropriately?

A. "Your order was shipped yesterday and should arrive by Friday."

B. "The shipping clerk sent your order yesterday and it should arrive by friday."

C. "The decision was made after much debate and deliberation."

D. "An announcement about the company takeover will be made by the president later today."

To determine which sentence uses passive voice appropriately, let's start by understanding what passive voice is. In a sentence with passive voice, the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb, rather than performing the action itself. The passive voice is typically formed using a form of the auxiliary verb "to be" (e.g., was, were, is, are, etc.) followed by a past participle.

Let's analyze each of the given sentences to see if they meet the criteria for passive voice:

A. "Your order was shipped yesterday and should arrive by Friday."
This sentence uses passive voice correctly. The subject ("your order") is being acted upon ("was shipped") by the verb.

B. "The shipping clerk sent your order yesterday, and it should arrive by Friday."
This sentence does not use passive voice. The subject ("the shipping clerk") is performing the action ("sent"), which makes this an active voice sentence.

C. "The decision was made after much debate and deliberation."
This sentence uses passive voice correctly. The subject ("the decision") is being acted upon ("was made") by the verb.

D. "An announcement about the company takeover will be made by the president later today."
This sentence uses passive voice correctly. The subject ("an announcement") is being acted upon ("will be made") by the verb.

So, the sentences that use passive voice appropriately are A, C, and D.