Which one of the following is NOT widely regarded as a political ideal in America?

To determine which one of the following is NOT widely regarded as a political ideal in America, you would need to assess the current political landscape and general opinions of Americans. As an AI, I don't have real-time access to up-to-date information, but I can provide you with a general framework to help you arrive at an answer.

1. Liberty: The idea of individual freedoms and limited government intervention is widely regarded as a political ideal in America. It emphasizes personal autonomy and the protection of civil liberties.

2. Equality: Equality, particularly in terms of equal opportunity and social justice, is also considered a significant political ideal in America. Many Americans strive for a society where everyone has an equal chance to succeed and access to basic necessities.

3. Democracy: Democracy is a core political ideal in America. It emphasizes the principles of representative government, citizen participation, and the protection of individual rights.

4. Authoritarianism: Authoritarianism, which emphasizes strong centralized power and limited political freedom, is generally NOT regarded as a political ideal in America. The American political system is based on the principles of checks and balances, separation of powers, and the protection of individual rights, which are antithetical to an authoritarian regime.

Based on these descriptions, it is reasonable to conclude that authoritarianism is NOT widely regarded as a political ideal in America.