do you know name of this picture?

it is dragon flying and kind of holding the flag which is of united states and it has six flags. and up it has curve.
it is symbol
please help me.

If you can find its image online, post again, and put spaces between parts of the web address (URL).

well it is not online.

i cannot upload it.

it has six stars

h t t p://w w w .s h u t t e r s t o c k . c o m / p i c -2 2 2 3 0 9 2 8/s t o c k -p h o t o-e a g l e-a n d-f l a g-o n-u n i t e d-s t a t e s-f l a g.h t m l

it is eagle.

In the Great Seal of the United States, the eagle is holding olive branches (peace) in one foot and arrows (war) in the other.

In this photo of yours, though, I notice only the arrows, no olive branches. This strikes me as a very patriotic but warlike image, perhaps asserting that the US (flag, colors, eagle) will not be taken over.

What else can you think of?


Based on your description, it sounds like you are referring to the emblem of the Six Flags amusement park corporation. The emblem features a dragon flying and holding the United States flag, with a curved design above it. The emblem is a symbol of the company's brand identity.

To find the name of the picture, you can try searching for "Six Flags emblem" or "Six Flags logo" on an internet search engine like Google. This should provide you with images and information related to the emblem you described.