1. Write the verb form for: yo/hacer.

2. Write the verb form for: ellos/hacer.

3. Write the verb form for: nosotros/hacer.

I'm not sure, but I think these are the answers:

1.) Hago

2.) Hagan

3.) Hagamos

Thnk You.

Ok.. I'm hispanic so I'm going to help you.

1) Hago
2) Hacen
3) Hacemos

Thank you. will You anser 2 more? please.

If you're supposed to use the indicative, then only 1 is correct.


4. Responde la pregunta. ¿Qué haces los lunes a las diez de la mañana?

A.) Hago estudio.

B.) Hago escribo.

C.)Escucho a la maestra.

D.)Hago miro la televisión.

5. Responde la pregunta. ¿Qué hacen Uds. los sábados por la noche?

A.) Uds. bailan.

B.) Nosotros bailamos.

C.) Yo bailo.

D.)Ellos bailan.

I don't know these either. Thank You so much.

4) C.

5) B.

Good Luck ;)

Thank You! Your sure these are right?

100% Sure :)

Are you alwas on here to answers questions?

I asked Laura. Thanks anyway.

Is there?

email me asap ;)! I know what this is. Key right?

Not always, I'm here today because I need some help on Algebra.

Is there a way to get ahold of you for help?


I didn't ask you.