make a true number sentence by filling in the missing number

14 +(3x2)= _________

(14 + 3)x2 = _______

14 +(3x2)= _20_

(14 + 3)x2 = _34_

1] 8+1=1+

Write the missing digites to make each number sentence true

To fill in the missing numbers, we can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction).

For the first number sentence, 14 + (3 x 2), we start with the multiplication inside the parentheses. 3 multiplied by 2 equals 6. Therefore, the number sentence becomes:

14 + (3 x 2) = 14 + 6 = 20

Therefore, the missing number is 20.

For the second number sentence, (14 + 3) x 2, we first perform the addition inside the parentheses. 14 plus 3 equals 17. Then, we multiply 17 by 2:

(14 + 3) x 2 = 17 x 2 = 34

Therefore, the missing number is 34.