I recently got a project to do on a country other than the U.S. my teacher sucks at explaining things, so in literal terms the instructions say "reasearch a country other than the US, draw two maps: 1, a map that has all borders and rivers and 2, a Biome map. Your research should be at least 1 full paper."

then the rest talks about the points given.

Right now I am near failing science, because my teacherdoesn't explain things like this. I don't know what to research on my country (The Democratic Republic of the Congo) and can't find anything science-ey about it.
Also, I don't know where to find a 'biome map"

please help, I really hate failing.. it's like, one of my two phobias..



Hi Mathieu,

Here's a biome map of Africa.


Since science covers many things, these sites give you many things that fit into science about your country.



thanks so much!! I can now do my project :) thanks so much again!


You're very welcome! I hope you get an A on your project! :-)

Hi Mathieu! I'm here to help you with your project. I understand that it can be frustrating when your teacher doesn't provide clear instructions, but don't worry, I'll guide you through the process.

First, let's break down the requirements of your project. You need to research the Democratic Republic of the Congo and create two maps: one map that includes borders and rivers, and another map called a biome map. Additionally, you need to write at least one full paper based on your research.

To start your research, it's important to focus on the specific aspects related to science. In the case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, you can explore various scientific topics such as:

1. Geography: Learn about the country's landforms, climate, and natural resources. This information will help you create the map with borders and rivers.

2. Ecology and Biodiversity: The Democratic Republic of the Congo is known for its rich biodiversity and dense rainforests. You can explore the different biomes found in the country, such as tropical rainforests, savannas, and wetlands. This will be the basis for your biome map.

To find information, there are several resources you can use:

1. Books: Visit your school or local library and look for geography or science books that cover the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Look for books that have sections on geography, ecology, or ecosystems.

2. Websites: Reliable websites like National Geographic, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), or academic sources like journals and university websites can provide valuable information. Use search engines like Google to find specific topics or look for scientific articles related to the country.

3. Encyclopedias: Online encyclopedias such as Encyclopaedia Britannica or Encyclopedia.com can be helpful in providing an overview and key facts about the country.

For creating the maps, you can use various online resources. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Online Map Tools: There are several online map tools available such as Google Maps, MapChart, or Scribble Maps that allow you to draw and customize maps. You can mark borders and rivers using these tools.

2. Biome Map Resources: Look for websites or scientific databases that provide biome maps, such as the World Wildlife Fund or governmental environmental agencies. These maps will help you identify the different biomes found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Remember to gather all the relevant information from your research and organize it into a coherent paper. Include details about the geography, landmarks, ecosystems, and biodiversity of the country.

I hope this guidance helps you get started on your project! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Good luck, Mathieu!