Which statement is NOT consistent with Ethical Formalism?

a. Moral law is self-imposed
b. Moral actions are determined by reason
c. lying is never justified
d. individuals cannot control the consequences of their decisions.

I believe it is D

I agree.

The correct answer us ‘C’.

The correct answer is d. individuals cannot control the consequences of their decisions. This statement is not consistent with Ethical Formalism because Ethical Formalism places moral emphasis on the intention behind actions, rather than the consequences. According to Ethical Formalism, individuals are responsible for their intentions and the moral principles they choose to follow, regardless of the outcome.

To determine which statement is not consistent with Ethical Formalism, let's first understand what Ethical Formalism is. Ethical Formalism, also known as Deontological Ethics, is a moral theory that emphasizes the importance of following moral principles and duties when making ethical decisions.

a. The statement "Moral law is self-imposed" is consistent with Ethical Formalism. Ethical Formalism does believe in the existence of moral laws that individuals voluntarily impose upon themselves.

b. The statement "Moral actions are determined by reason" is also consistent with Ethical Formalism. According to this theory, moral actions should be grounded in rationality and guided by universal moral principles.

c. The statement "Lying is never justified" is consistent with Ethical Formalism. One of the fundamental principles in Ethical Formalism is the belief in the importance of telling the truth and being honest.

d. The statement "Individuals cannot control the consequences of their decisions" is not consistent with Ethical Formalism. Ethical Formalism focuses on the intentions and adherence to moral duties rather than the outcomes of actions. It does not discount the notion that individuals can have some control over the consequences of their decisions.

Therefore, the statement that is not consistent with Ethical Formalism is d. "Individuals cannot control the consequences of their decisions."