Two numbers are in the ratio 4:7.If thrice the larger is added to twice the smaller ,we get 87.Find the numbers

When the grater of the two numbers increased by 1 divides the sum of the numbers the result is 3/2 .when the difference of these numbers is divide by the smaller ,the result is1/2 .find the numbers

Are maichod x ko larger man ke banona re randi ke aulad

To find the two numbers, let's set up a proportion based on the given ratio.

The ratio of the two numbers is given as 4:7. Let's assume the two numbers as 4x and 7x (where x is a common multiplier).

According to the problem statement, thrice the larger number (7x) is added to twice the smaller number (4x), resulting in 87.

So, the equation can be written as:
3 * (7x) + 2 * (4x) = 87

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of x.

21x + 8x = 87
29x = 87
x = 87 / 29
x = 3

Now that we have the value of x, we can find the two numbers:

The smaller number = 4x = 4 * 3 = 12
The larger number = 7x = 7 * 3 = 21

Therefore, the two numbers are 12 and 21.

Set up your question

x/y = 4/7 : 4y= 7x

let x be larger than y
3x + 2y = 87

Substitute the value of x in the equation above and solve for y

Bahut bekar madarchod bhosdi

simple way ...

let the two numbers be 4x and 7x

3(7x) + 2(4x) = 87
x = 3

numbers are 12 and 21