The perimeter of the office bulletin board is 24 ft. The perimeter of the sandbox is 1 1/2 times as long. What is the perimeter of the sandbox?

1/2 of 24 is 12

24+12 = 36

To find the perimeter of the sandbox, we need to first calculate the perimeter of the office bulletin board. The given information states that the perimeter of the bulletin board is 24 ft.

The formula to calculate the perimeter of a shape is to add up the lengths of all its sides. However, since the shape of the bulletin board is not specified, we cannot determine the individual side lengths. Therefore, we will proceed with the available information to find the perimeter of the sandbox.

According to the given information, the perimeter of the sandbox is 1 1/2 times as long as the bulletin board. This means that the perimeter of the sandbox is one and a half times greater than the perimeter of the bulletin board.

To calculate the perimeter of the sandbox, we can multiply the perimeter of the bulletin board by 1.5.

Perimeter of Sandbox = Perimeter of Bulletin Board * 1.5

Plugging in the known value, we get:

Perimeter of Sandbox = 24 ft * 1.5

Multiply the numbers:

Perimeter of Sandbox = 36 ft

Therefore, the perimeter of the sandbox is 36 ft.