Edgar Allen Poe.

What have you learned about the poet that contributes to the type of poetry he writes?

I'll be glad to comment on your answer.


How does this sound?

Edgar was like everyone else in the world, he soon found his talent. He writes about personal experiences in his life, and what he has overcame. He writes to tell people that you should never give up. He writes to inspire others, and to cope with his feelings.

Sounds good.

Watch out for these things:

~run-on sentence
~incorrect verb choice (tense)
~use of "you" in an otherwise 3rd-person write-up
~use/misuse of commas

To understand the type of poetry Edgar Allan Poe writes, we can examine some key aspects of his life and literary career. Here are a few notable factors that contribute to the themes and style of his poetry:

1. Dark Romanticism: Poe was a leading figure in the literary movement known as Dark Romanticism, which emerged in the 19th century. This movement focused on exploring the darker aspects of the human psyche and the mysteries of the supernatural. Poe's works often embrace themes of death, despair, madness, and the macabre, reflecting the preoccupations of this movement.

2. Personal Tragedies: Poe's personal life was marked by numerous tragedies, including the early death of his parents, the loss of many loved ones due to illness, and his own struggles with alcoholism and mental health issues. These experiences deeply influenced his work, and themes of loss, grief, and psychological turmoil can be seen in many of his poems.

3. Psychological Exploration: Poe's poetry often delves into the realms of the subconscious, exploring the human mind and its darker corners. He was interested in the workings of the human psyche and frequently employed techniques such as unreliable narrators and the exploration of insanity, giving his poetry a distinct psychological depth.

4. Gothic Influence: Poe was heavily influenced by the gothic tradition, which emphasized a bleak and mysterious atmosphere. His poems often feature haunted landscapes, eerie settings, and supernatural elements, creating an unsettling and otherworldly tone.

5. Unique Verse Structure: Poe's poems typically feature specific rhyme schemes and metrical patterns, showcasing his meticulous attention to the technical aspects of poetry. He often employed techniques like internal rhyme, alliteration, and musicality to create a distinct poetic style.

Overall, Edgar Allan Poe's poetry is characterized by its exploration of the human psyche, its dark and macabre themes, its gothic atmosphere, and its distinctive verse structure. These aspects are influenced by his personal experiences, his fascination with the psychological, and the literary traditions of his time.