Identify the nouns and verb/verb phrases in the sentence.

Employers value honesty and hard work.

Nouns: Employers, honesty, and work
Verb: Value

Right. Please omit "and" in your list.

the hard working plumber was early.

To identify the nouns and verbs/verb phrases in a sentence like "Employers value honesty and hard work," you can follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence carefully.
2. Identify the subject of the sentence. In this case, it is "Employers."
3. Look for any words or phrases that describe or modify the subject. There are none in this sentence.
4. Find the main verb or verb phrase. In this case, it is "value."
5. Look for any direct objects or noun phrases that receive the action of the verb. In this sentence, there are two: "honesty" and "hard work."

So, the nouns in this sentence are "Employers," "honesty," and "hard work." The verb (or verb phrase) is "value."