Any number in the form of a+-bi , where a and b are real numbers and b not equal 0 is considered a pure imaginary number. TRUE OR FALSE

The minimum value is the smallest y-value of a function. T RUE OR FALSE

i2 = square root of -1. TRUE OR FALSE

Complex numbers can be graphed on the xy coordinate plane. TRUE OR FALSE

yall are no help

1. FALSE. pure imaginary numbers a+bi have a=0

4. TRUE. a=bi is graphed as the point (a,b)

yall realize that these questions are randomized and they're not always going to be the same right

False (is complex not imaginary)

Yes I suppose although you can have a local minimum

I guess you mean i^2, but that is just -1

On the complex plane x and i y

1. true it is not a real number

2 that is true, when graphing a function or a parabola, the minimum value is the smallest y value

3 i^2 = -1, thus it is false

4 complex numbers CANNOT be graphed on the coordinate plane (where would we put it?!) so false

Bruh those r wrong

It's not randomized bozo its a different test

^ answers are wrong

Yall finna get slimed out over some math smh

1.) D

2.) C
3.) C
4.) C
5.) C
6.) C
7.) B
8.) B
9.) A
10.) B
11.) C
12.) D
13.) B false
14.) A true
15.) B false
16.) B false
17.) essay question