Any number in the form of a+-bi , where a and b are real numbers and b not equal 0 is considered a pure imaginary number. TRUE OR FALSE

The minimum value is the smallest y-value of a function. T RUE OR FALSE

i2 = square root of -1. TRUE OR FALSE

Complex numbers can be graphed on the xy coordinate plane. TRUE OR FALSE

yall are no help

1. FALSE. pure imaginary numbers a+bi have a=0

4. TRUE. a=bi is graphed as the point (a,b)

yall realize that these questions are randomized and they're not always going to be the same right

False (is complex not imaginary)

Yes I suppose although you can have a local minimum

I guess you mean i^2, but that is just -1

On the complex plane x and i y

1. true it is not a real number

2 that is true, when graphing a function or a parabola, the minimum value is the smallest y value

3 i^2 = -1, thus it is false

4 complex numbers CANNOT be graphed on the coordinate plane (where would we put it?!) so false

Bruh those r wrong

It's not randomized bozo its a different test

^ answers are wrong

Yall finna get slimed out over some math smh

1.) D

2.) C
3.) C
4.) C
5.) C
6.) C
7.) B
8.) B
9.) A
10.) B
11.) C
12.) D
13.) B false
14.) A true
15.) B false
16.) B false
17.) essay question

Algebra U6 L11 Quadratic Functions and Equations Unit Test

1. D, (graph where the red line is in the middle of the graph and above the origin 0, 0.)
2. B, x² + 3x + 2 = 0
3. C, x = - 1 + i√15/4
4. D, -1, 5
5. B, one real solution
6. D, 0.5 seconds or 2.625 seconds
7. B, 40 inches by 64 inches
8. B, x = -6 or x = -8
9. B, $310 at $2 per kilogram
10. A
11. B, (x + 3) (x - 4)
12. B, y = -5 (x + 1)² + 6
13. B, False
14. A, True
15. B, False
16. B, False
17. *Short answer question. You have to do this yourself, sorry!*