can you please help me



Need an explanation let me know (:

yes please

All I did was rearrange the fractions so that the +8 would be on the other side. To get your answer you need put the fractions over each other and start eliminating like terms. Post as far as you can and I'll assist you.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you. To simplify the expression 8 + 7r^(3/2)t^4r, we can follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) and use the exponent rules.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the exponents.
The exponent 3/2 means taking the square root of r cubed, and t^4 means raising t to the power of 4. Therefore, we can rewrite the expression as:
8 + 7 * √(r^3) * t^4 * r

Step 2: Simplify the radicals.
The square root of r raised to the power of 3 (√(r^3)) can be simplified as r^(3/2). Since we have r outside the radical already, we can simplify further:
8 + 7r^(3/2) * t^4 * r

Step 3: Multiply the terms.
To multiply, we simply multiply the coefficients (8 and 7) and multiply the variables (r^(3/2) and t^4r). After simplifying, we get:
8 + 7r^(3/2)t^4r

So the simplified form of the expression 8 + 7r^(3/2)t^4r is 8 + 7r^(3/2)t^4r.