what's high doses, medium doses, and low doses????

this is alcohol related

High, medium and low is comparing average or usual usage with usage extremes.

meaning how many drinks they drink????


High doses, medium doses, and low doses refer to the amount of alcohol consumed in relation to its effects on the body. Keep in mind that the effects of alcohol can vary depending on a person's body weight, tolerance, metabolism, and other factors. Here are some general explanations:

1. Low doses: Low doses of alcohol typically refer to consuming small amounts. In terms of alcoholic beverages, this usually means one or two standard drinks. At low doses, alcohol may produce mild effects, such as relaxation, slight euphoria, and lowered inhibitions.

2. Medium doses: Medium doses of alcohol refer to consuming a moderate amount. This can vary depending on the context, but generally, it could be around three to four standard drinks. At medium doses, effects begin to intensify. You may experience increased talkativeness, decreased coordination, impaired judgment, and a notable change in mood.

3. High doses: High doses of alcohol refer to consuming a large amount, often exceeding what is considered moderate drinking. High doses can result in significant intoxication. This may include symptoms such as severe impairment of coordination and balance, cognitive impairment, dizziness, confusion, slurred speech, and in severe cases, vomiting or blacking out.

It is important to note that high doses of alcohol can have serious health consequences and can be potentially fatal. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning, liver damage, cardiovascular problems, and other health issues. It is always advised to drink responsibly and within recommended limits, or to avoid alcohol altogether if there are concerns about its effects.