Solve the puzzle


To solve the puzzle, you need to extract specific characters from the text in cell B2 using the RIGHT and LEFT functions in Excel. Each formula has the same structure:

=RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, n), 1)

Here's how to interpret and solve each line of the puzzle:

1. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 84), 1)
Extract the 84th character from the text in cell B2.

2. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 17), 1)
Extract the 17th character from the text in cell B2.

3. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 138), 1)
Extract the 138th character from the text in cell B2.

4. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 2), 1)
Extract the 2nd character from the text in cell B2.

5. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 234), 1)
Extract the 234th character from the text in cell B2.

6. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 138), 1)
Extract the 138th character from the text in cell B2.

7. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 4), 1)
Extract the 4th character from the text in cell B2.

8. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 173), 1)
Extract the 173rd character from the text in cell B2.

9. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 2), 1)
Extract the 2nd character from the text in cell B2.

10. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 209), 1)
Extract the 209th character from the text in cell B2.

11. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 4), 1)
Extract the 4th character from the text in cell B2.

12. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 270), 1)
Extract the 270th character from the text in cell B2.

13. =RIGHT(LEFT($B$2, 81), 1)
Extract the 81st character from the text in cell B2.

Using these formulas, you can retrieve specific characters from the text in cell B2 and solve the puzzle.