You have been given the task of making a presentation to a group of junior high school students arguing against making marijuana legal.

What are four risks associated with its use that you could include in your talk?.

Didn't you understand my previous answer?

I didn't know you answered. Thank you so much :)

You're welcome.

When creating a presentation arguing against the legalization of marijuana, it is important to present accurate and verifiable information. Here are four risks associated with marijuana use that you could include in your talk:

1. Health Risks: Marijuana use can have negative effects on physical and mental health. You can include information about the potential for addiction, impaired cognitive function, decreased motivation, respiratory problems, and increased risk of mental health disorders, particularly in young users.

To gather this information, you can consult credible sources such as medical journals, government agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and reputable nonprofit organizations like the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

2. Educational Consequences: Marijuana use, especially when initiated at a young age, can negatively impact educational performance. Research suggests that regular marijuana use can impair memory, attention, and learning abilities, potentially leading to lower academic achievement and decreased future opportunities.

To support this point, you could cite studies from educational institutions or research conducted by organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics or the National Institutes of Health.

3. Impaired Driving: Marijuana use can impair coordination, judgment, and reaction time, leading to an increased risk of accidents and injuries when driving. Explain that marijuana intoxication affects the ability to safely operate a vehicle, similar to alcohol or other drugs.

To substantiate this claim, you can refer to studies by road safety organizations, government agencies, or research published in reputable scientific journals.

4. Legal and Social Consequences: Emphasize that marijuana use, even if it becomes legal, can still have significant legal and social consequences. Discuss how it can result in criminal charges, affect employment prospects due to mandatory drug screenings, and potentially damage personal relationships.

To gather information for this point, you can refer to legal cases, news articles, or reports from organizations like the Drug Policy Alliance or the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence.

Remember to present the information objectively and avoid using scare tactics or biased sources. It is important to educate the students about the potential risks associated with marijuana use while promoting a thoughtful and informed decision-making process.