where did the water on the outside of a glass come from


Condensation the water evaporated cuz of de heat and then it condensed to make tiny water droplets

The water on the outside of a glass typically comes from condensation. Condensation occurs when the air around the glass is cooler than the temperature of the water inside the glass. When warm air comes into contact with the cold surface of a glass filled with a cooler liquid, such as a cold drink, the air cools down, and its moisture begins to turn into water droplets. These droplets then accumulate on the outside of the glass, creating the water you see.

To understand this process, you can think of a cold glass of water on a hot day. The water inside the glass is colder than the surrounding air temperature. As a result, the moisture in the air comes in contact with the cool surface of the glass, causing it to lose heat and turn into water droplets.

The phenomenon of condensation is similar to what happens when dew forms on grass or when fog appears on a mirror in a steamy bathroom. It is a natural occurrence that happens when warm, moist air encounters a cooler surface and releases its moisture in the form of water droplets.

So, in short, the water on the outside of a glass comes from condensation caused by the temperature difference between the liquid inside the glass and the air surrounding it.