Show his to make one addend a ten. Complete the new addition sentence.


---- + ---- =

15 + 37 = 52

10 + 42 = 52



show how to make one addend the next tens number and complete the new addition. This question has cubes and it is 22+49=

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Exprain why you would make one of the addends a tens number when solving an addition problem

To make one addend a ten, we need to break down the second addend into its tens and ones place.

In the given addition sentence, we have 15 as the first addend and 37 as the second addend.

Let's break down 37 into its tens and ones place.

37 = 30 + 7

Now we can rearrange the addition sentence to make one addend a ten.

15 + 30 + 7 = ?

Adding 15 and 30 will give us 45.

So, the complete new addition sentence is:

15 + 30 + 7 = 45