i am writing an essay on stained glass windows. they want me to write a Working Draft Outline of Research Report and a Working Draft Bibliography/Research Rept what do i do for these??

thanks in advance

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To create a Working Draft Outline of your Research Report, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather your research materials: Collect all the relevant information about stained glass windows, such as books, articles, and websites. Take notes on key points and ideas that will be helpful for your essay.

2. Identify the main sections: Divide your essay into logical sections based on the key points and ideas you have gathered. For example, you could have sections on the history of stained glass windows, the techniques used in creating them, their significance in religious and cultural contexts, and notable examples throughout history.

3. Arrange the sections: Determine the order in which you want to present your information. Consider the flow of your essay and how each section builds upon the previous one. You can use bullet points or numbering to outline the main ideas within each section.

4. Include subpoints: Under each main section, add subpoints or supporting details that will further explain or strengthen your arguments. These can be additional facts, examples, or quotations from your research materials.

5. Refine and revise: Review your draft outline and make sure it provides a clear and coherent structure for your essay. Rearrange or rephrase sections and subpoints as needed to enhance the flow and organization of your ideas.

For the Working Draft Bibliography/Research Report, you can create a list of your research sources following a specific citation format, such as MLA or APA. Here's how to create a basic bibliography:

1. Record your sources: Keep track of all the sources you used for your research. Include the author's name, title of the book or article, publication date, and any other relevant details.

2. Choose a citation style: Check with your instructor or refer to your assignment guidelines to determine which citation style to use (e.g., MLA, APA, Chicago). Each style has specific rules for formatting citations.

3. Format your citations: Use a citation generator tool or consult the citation guidelines provided by the citation style you are using to properly format each entry in your bibliography. Include all the necessary information in the correct order and format, such as italics or quotation marks for book titles and article titles.

4. Sort and alphabetize: Organize your bibliography in alphabetical order according to the authors' last names. If there is no author listed, alphabetize by the title of the source.

5. Double-check your entries: Review your bibliography for accuracy and completeness. Make sure you have included all the necessary information for each source and that the formatting adheres to the chosen citation style.

Remember to consult the resources provided in the initial response (the websites listed) for detailed guidance on the research and writing process.