Write a program that will give the interest rate for a new car loan based on a credit score.

Credit score Interest Rate
850-720 5.56%
719-690 6.38%
660 689 7.12%
625-659 9.34%
590-624 12.45%
Below 590 no credit issued.

Display the user input credit score and the interest rate associated with the credit score.

To write a program that gives the interest rate based on a credit score, we can use conditional statements to check the range of the credit score and assign the corresponding interest rate. Here's an example of how this can be implemented in Python:

# Prompt the user to enter their credit score
credit_score = int(input("Enter your credit score: "))

# Check the credit score range and assign the interest rate accordingly
if credit_score >= 720 and credit_score <= 850:
interest_rate = 5.56
elif credit_score >= 690 and credit_score <= 719:
interest_rate = 6.38
elif credit_score >= 660 and credit_score <= 689:
interest_rate = 7.12
elif credit_score >= 625 and credit_score <= 659:
interest_rate = 9.34
elif credit_score >= 590 and credit_score <= 624:
interest_rate = 12.45
interest_rate = None

# Display the credit score and the corresponding interest rate
print("Credit Score:", credit_score)
if interest_rate:
print("Interest Rate:", interest_rate, "%")
print("No credit issued.")

In this program, the user is prompted to enter their credit score using the `input()` function. The `int()` function is used to convert the user's input into an integer.

The conditional statements `if`, `elif`, and `else` are used to check the credit score range and assign the appropriate interest rate. If the credit score is within one of the specified ranges, the corresponding interest rate is assigned to the `interest_rate` variable. If the credit score is below 590, no credit is issued, so the `interest_rate` variable is set to `None`.

After assigning the interest rate, the program displays the credit score and the corresponding interest rate using the `print()` function. If the `interest_rate` is `None`, indicating that no credit is issued, the program displays a message stating so.

Please note that the credit score ranges and interest rates used in this example are arbitrary and should be adjusted according to your specific requirements.