The balance on a car loan after 4 years is $8,996.32. The interest rate is 5.6% compounding annually. What was the initial value of the loan?

An investment made in the stock market decreased at a rate of 4% per year for 5 years. What is the current value of the $1,000,000 investment? Include your calculations in your final answer.

explain how to solve these in steps asap

x (1 - 0.056 )^5 = 8996.32

.944^5 x = 8996.32
x = 8996.32 /.749652
x = 12000.65

same way

10^6 * 0.96^5

To calculate the initial value of the car loan, we can use the formula for compound interest:

A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)

A is the final balance ($8,996.32)
P is the initial principal (unknown)
r is the interest rate per period (5.6% or 0.056)
n is the number of compounding periods per year (1, since it is compounded annually)
t is the number of years (4)

Step 1: Rearrange the formula to solve for P:

P = A / (1 + r/n)^(nt)

Step 2: Substitute the given values:

P = $8,996.32 / (1 + 0.056/1)^(1*4)

Step 3: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

P = $8,996.32 / (1.056)^4

Step 4: Calculate the result:

P = $8,996.32 / 1.243477

P ≈ $7,237.52

Therefore, the initial value of the car loan was approximately $7,237.52.

Now let's move on to the investment in the stock market:

Step 1: Calculate the annual decrease rate in decimal form:

Decrease rate = 4% = 0.04

Step 2: Apply the decrease rate to the initial investment:

Current value = Initial investment - (Decrease rate * Initial investment * Number of years)

= $1,000,000 - (0.04 * $1,000,000 * 5)

Step 3: Simplify the expression:

Current value = $1,000,000 - $200,000

Current value = $800,000

Therefore, the current value of the $1,000,000 investment after 5 years with a 4% decrease rate is $800,000.

To find the initial value of the car loan and the current value of the investment, you can use the formula for compound interest:

For the car loan:
Step 1: Use the compound interest formula to find the initial value of the loan.
The formula for compound interest is:

A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)

A is the final amount (the loan balance after 4 years)
P is the principal (initial loan amount)
r is the annual interest rate (as a decimal)
n is the number of times interest is compounded per year
t is the number of years

In this case, A = $8,996.32, r = 5.6% = 0.056 (decimal form), n = 1 (compounded annually), and t = 4.

Step 2: Rearrange the formula to solve for P.
P = A / (1 + r/n)^(nt)

Substitute the given values into the formula and solve for P.

For the investment:
Step 1: Use the compound interest formula to find the current value of the investment.
In this case, the investment decreased at a rate of 4% per year, which means the interest rate is -4% = -0.04 (as a decimal).

Step 2: Use the formula A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt), but this time the final amount A is

A = $1,000,000, r = -4% = -0.04, n = 1 (compounded annually), and t = 5.

Substitute the values into the formula and solve for P.

Performing these calculations will give you the initial value of the car loan and the current value of the investment.