the ratio of square H's length to square I's length is 3 : 5, if the length of square H is 18 meters, what is the perimeter of square I?

To find the perimeter of square I, we need to know its length. Given that the ratio of square H's length to square I's length is 3:5 and the length of square H is 18 meters, we can set up the following equation:

H's length / I's length = 3 / 5

Substituting the known values:

18 meters / I's length = 3 / 5

To isolate I's length, we can cross-multiply:

(18 meters) * 5 = 3 * I's length

90 meters = 3 * I's length

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

90 meters / 3 = I's length

30 meters = I's length

Now that we know I's length is 30 meters, we can find the perimeter of square I. The perimeter of a square is the sum of all four sides, and since all sides of a square are equal, we can multiply one side's length by 4 to get the perimeter:

Perimeter of square I = 4 * I's length
= 4 * 30 meters
= 120 meters

Therefore, the perimeter of square I is 120 meters.

L1 : L2 = 3 : 5

18 : L2 = 3:5
18/L2 = 3/5
3L2 = 90
l=L2= 30

18:30 = 3:5