I'm a 7 Letter Words,

You Read me daily, My
5, 6, 7th Letter
increases every Year.
3rd and 4th Letter are the Same. My 3rd, 2nd
and 5th Letter Covers 75% of the World.
What am i?.


Whoa, Good job, Bobpursley


Dono u itself say


yup, it's message

To find the answer to this riddle, let's break it down step by step:

1. The riddle states that it is a 7-letter word. So, we need to find a word that consists of a total of 7 letters.

2. The next clue is that you read this word daily, indicating that it is likely a common word that you come across regularly.

3. The riddle further states that the 5th, 6th, and 7th letters of this word increase every year. This suggests that these letters change annually.

4. Moving on, it states that the 3rd and 4th letters of the word are the same. This means that these two consecutive letters are identical.

5. Lastly, the riddle mentions that the 3rd, 2nd, and 5th letters of this word cover 75% of the world. This indicates that these three letters represent something vast and global.

Based on these clues, the answer to the riddle is "Diary."

- The word "Diary" has 5 letters in total, and the 6th and 7th letters (R and Y) are increasing alphabetically each year.
- The 3rd and 4th letters are both "A."
- The 3rd, 2nd, and 5th letters spell "Day," which is a unit of time covering 24 hours, thus implying that it covers a significant portion of the world.
- Additionally, people frequently read their diaries daily, fitting with the clue that it is a word you encounter regularly.