Was Zbigniew Brzezinski directly involved in continuing the SALT talks or did he try to reverse the policy of detente, during the Carter administration?

Those are 2 of the 4 multiple choices given to me to answer the question,but I'm confused because I'm pretty sure he did both...

You are correct, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as the National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, was involved in both continuing the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) and attempting to change the course of detente during the Carter administration.

To understand why both options are given in the multiple-choice question, let's delve into the details:

1. Brzezinski's involvement in continuing the SALT talks:
The SALT talks were a series of negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union aimed at limiting and reducing nuclear arms. Brzezinski actively participated in these talks as the National Security Advisor during the Carter administration. He was instrumental in negotiating the SALT II treaty, which aimed to further limit the strategic arms of both countries. However, the treaty was ultimately not ratified by the United States Senate.

2. Brzezinski's attempt to reverse the policy of detente:
Detente refers to the relaxation of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Brzezinski had reservations about the detente policy pursued by previous administrations, believing it was too conciliatory towards the Soviet Union. As National Security Advisor, he sought to take a tougher stance towards the Soviet Union, promoting a more assertive approach. This approach aimed to counter Soviet influence and explore ways to constrain Soviet ambitions through various means, including supporting anti-Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

Given these two aspects of Brzezinski's role, it is understandable why the question offers both options. Brzezinski was involved in the continuation of SALT talks but also attempted to change the policy of detente.

Therefore, if you are asked to choose between the given options, the answer would be: Brzezinski did both— he was directly involved in continuing the SALT talks and also tried to reverse the policy of detente during the Carter administration.