determine how many millimeters of soft drink in a 2-L bottle and how many are in a sixpack of soda cans.Also express each answer in liters.

To determine the number of millimeters of soft drink in a 2-L bottle, we need to know the conversion factor between liters and millimeters. There are 1000 milliliters (mL) in 1 liter. Using this conversion factor, we can calculate the amount of soft drink in milliliters.

Amount of soft drink in a 2-L bottle = 2 L * 1000 mL/L = 2000 mL

To express this answer in liters, we divide the amount of soft drink in milliliters by the conversion factor.

Amount of soft drink in a 2-L bottle in liters = 2000 mL / 1000 mL/L = 2 liters

Now, let's determine the number of millimeters of soft drink in a six-pack of soda cans. Since the question does not provide the size of each soda can, we cannot calculate the exact amount of soft drink in millimeters. However, if we assume that each can in the six-pack has a volume of 355 mL (a commonly used size for soda cans), we can proceed with the calculation.

Amount of soft drink in a six-pack of soda cans = 6 cans * 355 mL/can = 2130 mL

To express this answer in liters, we divide the amount of soft drink in milliliters by the conversion factor.

Amount of soft drink in a six-pack of soda cans in liters = 2130 mL / 1000 mL/L = 2.13 liters

Therefore, in a 2-L bottle, there are 2000 milliliters or 2 liters of soft drink, and in a six-pack of soda cans, assuming each can is 355 mL, there are approximately 2130 milliliters or 2.13 liters of soft drink.