Daily Life Magazine wants an analysis of the demographic characteristics of its readers. The Marketing Department has collected reader survey records containing the age, gender, marital status, and annual income of readers. Design an application that accepts reader data and produces a count of readers by age groups as follows: under 20, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+

To design an application that accepts reader data and produces a count of readers by age groups, you can follow these steps:

1. Create a form or interface that allows the Marketing Department to input reader data, including age, gender, marital status, and annual income. The form can be designed using any programming language or framework, depending on your requirements.

2. Store the reader data in a database or data structure for easy access and analysis. You can use databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or any other suitable option based on your application's needs.

3. Implement a function or method that calculates the age group for each reader based on their age. For example, you can use conditional statements to determine if a reader falls into the age group "under 20," "20-29," "30-39," "40-49," or "50+".

4. Iterate through the reader data and count the number of readers in each age group. You can use variables or data structures to store these counts.

5. Display the count of readers in each age group in a format that is easy to read or export. You can present the results as a table, graph, or any other suitable visualization method.

Here is a simplified example implementation in Python:

# Initialize variables to store counts for each age group
under_20_count = 0
age_20_29_count = 0
age_30_39_count = 0
age_40_49_count = 0
age_50_plus_count = 0

# Assume reader_data is a list of dictionaries representing each reader's data

for reader in reader_data:
age = reader['age']

if age < 20:
under_20_count += 1
elif age < 30:
age_20_29_count += 1
elif age < 40:
age_30_39_count += 1
elif age < 50:
age_40_49_count += 1
age_50_plus_count += 1

# Display the count of readers in each age group
print("Age Group Count")
print("Under 20 ", under_20_count)
print("20-29 ", age_20_29_count)
print("30-39 ", age_30_39_count)
print("40-49 ", age_40_49_count)
print("50+ ", age_50_plus_count)

Remember, this is a simplified example, and you may need to adapt it to fit your specific programming language, database choice, and user interface requirements.