a poll found that a particular group of people read and average or 18.3 books per year. The pollsters are 99% confident that the result from this poll is off by fewer than 3.79 books from the actual average x. express this situation as an inequality involving absolute value

Let's denote the actual average as x.

According to the given information, the poll found that this particular group of people read an average of 18.3 books per year, and the pollsters are 99% confident that the result is off by fewer than 3.79 books from the actual average x.

We can represent this situation as an inequality involving absolute value:

|18.3 - x| < 3.79

This inequality states that the absolute value of the difference between 18.3 and x is less than 3.79.

To express the situation as an inequality involving absolute value, we can use the following formula:

|18.3 - x| < 3.79

In this case, 18.3 represents the average number of books per year found by the poll, and x represents the actual average number of books per year in the population. The absolute value of the difference between the poll result and the actual average is less than 3.79, which implies that the poll result is within 3.79 units of the true average.