12. 0.00581

13. 0.00105
14. 0.0000078
15. 0.000027
16. 0.000000132
17. 0.000000009

14. 7.8 E-6

see other post.

Thanks but what does posts above mean

The given numbers are written in decimal form. To compare and order these numbers, we need to convert them into scientific notation.

Scientific notation is a way to express numbers that are very large or very small. It consists of two parts: a coefficient and a power of 10. The coefficient is a number between 1 and 10, and the power of 10 indicates how many places the decimal point needs to be moved to get the original number.

Let's convert each number into scientific notation:

12. 0.00581 -> 5.81 x 10^(-3)
To convert 0.00581 into scientific notation, we move the decimal point three places to the right to get 5.81. The power of 10 is -3 because we moved the decimal point three places to the right.

13. 0.00105 -> 1.05 x 10^(-3)
To convert 0.00105 into scientific notation, we again move the decimal point three places to the right to get 1.05. The power of 10 is -3.

14. 0.0000078 -> 7.8 x 10^(-6)
To convert 0.0000078 into scientific notation, we move the decimal point six places to the right to get 7.8. The power of 10 is -6.

15. 0.000027 -> 2.7 x 10^(-5)
To convert 0.000027 into scientific notation, we move the decimal point five places to the right to get 2.7. The power of 10 is -5.

16. 0.000000132 -> 1.32 x 10^(-7)
To convert 0.000000132 into scientific notation, we move the decimal point seven places to the right to get 1.32. The power of 10 is -7.

17. 0.000000009 -> 9 x 10^(-9)
To convert 0.000000009 into scientific notation, we move the decimal point nine places to the right to get 9. The power of 10 is -9.

Now, we can compare and order these numbers based on their powers of 10:

9 x 10^(-9) < 1.32 x 10^(-7) < 2.7 x 10^(-5) < 7.8 x 10^(-6) < 1.05 x 10^(-3) < 5.81 x 10^(-3)