According to Erikson the first psychosocial crisis or conflict in life involves the:

Trust vs. mistrust

The first psychosocial crisis or conflict in life, according to Erik Erikson's theory of psychological development, involves the stage of infancy. This stage is known as Trust vs. Mistrust.

To understand this concept further, it's important to have knowledge about Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. This theory suggests that individuals go through different stages of psychological development, with each stage characterized by a unique crisis or conflict that needs to be resolved.

The first stage, Trust vs. Mistrust, occurs from birth through the first year of life. During this period, infants primarily rely on their caregivers (usually their parents) for their physical and emotional needs. They learn whether or not they can trust that their needs will be met and develop a sense of security in their environment.

Now, to get the answer to your question, "According to Erikson, the first psychosocial crisis or conflict in life involves the," we can conclude that it involves the stage of infancy, specifically the Trust vs. Mistrust stage.