what is the difference between the two expressions below:

-4squared (-4)squared

can you please help, thank u

-4^2 = -(4^2) = -16

(-4)^2 = (-4)(-4) = +16

exponents are done before subtraction, unless parentheses change the order

-4 squared is basically saying to square the 4 then in the end add a negative.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you understand the difference between the two expressions.

The first expression, "-4 squared," means that you are squaring the number -4. To square a number means to multiply it by itself. So, in this case, -4 squared would be (-4) multiplied by (-4), which equals 16.

The second expression, "(-4) squared," also means that you are squaring the number -4. However, the parentheses around the -4 indicate that the negative sign should be included in the squaring operation. So, in this case, (-4) squared would be (-4) multiplied by itself, which also equals 16.

Therefore, there is no difference between the two expressions. Both "-4 squared" and "(-4) squared" give you the same result of 16.

To simplify expressions like these, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the number or term that needs to be squared.
2. Square the number or term by multiplying it by itself.
3. Remember to include any negative signs if needed.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.