Which pattern can be used to factor the high-degree polynomial 16x8−49x2 ?(1 point)


left parenthesis a minus b right parenthesis squared equals a squared minus 2 a b plus b squared

Neither the difference of squares nor the perfect square trinomial pattern can be used to factor 16x8−49x2.
Neither the difference of squares nor the perfect square trinomial pattern can be used to factor 16 x superscript 8 baseline minus 49 x squared .

left parenthesis a plus b right parenthesis squared equals a squared plus 2 a b plus b squared


left parenthesis a minus b right parenthesis left parenthesis a plus b right parenthesis equals a squared minus b squared

Neither the difference of squares nor the perfect square trinomial pattern can be used to factor 16x^8 - 49x^2.

To factor the high-degree polynomial 16x^8 - 49x^2, we can use the difference of squares pattern. The difference of squares pattern states that the expression a^2 - b^2 can be factored into (a - b)(a + b). In this case, we can rewrite 16x^8 - 49x^2 as (4x^4)^2 - (7x)^2. Now, we can see that a = 4x^4 and b = 7x. Plugging these values into the difference of squares pattern, we get (4x^4 - 7x)(4x^4 + 7x). Therefore, the factored form of 16x^8 - 49x^2 is (4x^4 - 7x)(4x^4 + 7x).