Linda rents sleeping bags to campers. She rents out 8 sleeping bags. Then, she rents out 6 more sleeping bags. Write an expression nto represent how many sleeping bags Linda has left. Tell what the variable representgs.


starting with n bags, she now has

n - 8 - 6 bags left

To represent how many sleeping bags Linda has left, we need to subtract the number of sleeping bags she rented out from the total number of sleeping bags she initially had.

Let's say the variable "x" represents the number of sleeping bags Linda initially had.

So, the expression to represent how many sleeping bags Linda has left is:
x - (8 + 6)

In this case, the variable "x" represents the initial number of sleeping bags Linda had. By subtracting the sum of 8 and 6 from "x", we can determine how many sleeping bags Linda has left after renting them out.